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     Wisconsin Outdoor is your complete guide to Wisconsin resorts, hotels, motels, activities, events, hunting, fishing, camping and much more.
    Thousands of visitors each month, visit Wisconsin Outdoor for the latest in outdoor related news, events, and activities from around Wisconsin. Not only do we try and keep you informed on what is happening in Wisconsin, but we try and keep you up to date on outdoor and environmental related news from around the nation.
    Wisconsin Outdoor is rated in the top 10 in most  of the popular search engines,
Google, MSN, AOL, ASK, and is growing in popularity every month. 
Events and Activities are posted for free.
Click HERE to add Events and Activities

There is a free Classifieds section for your use.
Click HERE to add Classifieds

All directory listings in Wisconsin Outdoor of 25 words or less with a link to your site is Free.
Click HERE to add listings

Wisconsin Outdoor will exchange links and post on the outdoor links page,
click here for link exchange

You may use these banners, or copy and paste HTML

Events Promotion
Promote your Event in Your event will be be posted on the message board and HOME page of for one month prior to the event for only $25.00.

Enhanced directory listings:

An Enhanced Directory Listing can be purchased for
$50 a year. A graphic will be placed next to your listing and moved to the top of the page.

Home Page Banner Rotation
A Home Page Banner Rotation can be purchased for
$100 a year. The 160x100 banner is located on the Home page in the top right hand corner above the fold. The banner will also rotate on a page of your choice. You will get two banner rotations on two different pages for the price of one.

Message Board Banner Rotation
A Message Board Banner Rotation can be purchased for
$75 a year. The banner will rotate on every page of the Message Board.
Enhanced Message Board Entry
A entry in the message board can be placed in the topic of your choice
for $50 a year and locked in position, it always appears in the beginning
of the topic of your choice. Please send an email requesting an entry.

Links, Banners or Event Pomotions can be purchased for any page, the price will be negotiated. Send us an email or call and we can discuss the many options.
A check can also be sent to the address below for any of  the services above

Tele:715 828 3346
5212 Jeffers rd.
Eau Claire, Wi. 54703
     Wisconsin Outdoor is your complete guide to Wisconsin resorts, activities, events, hunting, fishing, camping and much more.
Wisconsin Outdoor is your complete guide to Wisconsin resorts, activities, events, hunting, fishing, camping and much more.
<IMG SRC="" ALT="Wisconsin Outdoor is your complete guide to Wisconsin resorts, hotels, motels, activities, events, hunting, fishing, camping and much more">
<A HREF="">WisconsinOutdoor</A>
ALT="Wisconsin Outdoor is your complete guide to Wisconsin resorts, hotels, motels, activities, events, hunting, fishing, camping and much more">
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$100 a year
$50 a year
$75  a year
$25 a month